Tuesday 14 June 2016

Curry Time !

Can't beat a good curry ! I curry any and everything , from pork , goat , fish , conch , lambi, shrimps , all wild meat , lamb , crab .  But , can't have curry without the traditional Indian feast .

How bout some rice , dhal and curry pork.

Curry goat bubbling away

Curry duck time

 Provision and curry tattoo

                        Some rice dhal and curry tripe

        One of my favourites , rice and curry lamb with alloe

Curry Goat

Curry Tattoo and Yam

Rice , Dhal and Curry Tripe

Curry Lamb with Alooe and Rice

Rice Dhal and Curry Pork

Rich , Dhal , Bhagi , Curry Mango and Fry Fish